Innovasea Fathom Software

A suite of software tools created by Innovasea, Fathom makes accessing and managing your data easier and quicker than ever, thanks to this comprehensive, cloud-based platform

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Making data management easier than ever, Fathom is a collection of web-based applications used for storing, managing, visualising and analysing your acoustic telemetry data all on one platform – making it easy to use whilst sat at your desk or out in the field.

Fathom’s tools help make things effortless for researchers to capture tag data, facilitate receiver deployment and monitor receiver health via any device. Tag detections are backed up to the cloud allowing Fathom users easy access to their data at any time.

Five Intuitive Fathom Applications

• Fathom Connect: Manage your VR2, HR2 and HR3 acoustic receiver data
• Fathom Mobile: Connect and view data from 69 kHz receivers on the go
• Fathom Central: Cloud-storage and visualiser for your telemetry data
• Fathom Live: Real-time detections and environmental monitoring
• Fathom Position: Perform your own fine-scale positioning for tracking

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