Additional information
Storage240m readings
PowerExternal Power - 4.5-30V
Clock drift±60 seconds/year
Depth rating6000m
SizeDiameter ~60mm
Length ~206mm (instrument only)
~254mm (with connector)
Weight1600g in air, 950g in water
Sampling rate2Hz

RBR Centauro

A small CTD instrument optimised for gliders and autonomous underwater vehicles

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The RBRcentauro³ measures conductivity using a transverse CTD designed to endure harsh conditions. The CFD-optimised, low aspect ratio conductivity cell is self-flushing and does not require a pump. Datasets can be read directly in Matlab, or exported to Excel, OceanDataView®, or text files.

The RBRcentauro³ design is optimised for gliders and AUVs. The CTD is used to derive salinity, density, and sound velocity. The instrument ensures totally silent operation allowing for passive acoustic listening and turbulence measurements. Power consumption is 90% lower than that of traditional pumped CTD sensors and allows for substantially longer deployments. The RBRcentauro³ is unaffected by surface contaminants or freezing conditions, comes pre-calibrated to account for static conductive elements, and is rated to 6000m.

Key Features

  • Rated to 6000dbar
  • Pump-free design with optimized flow dynamics
  • Ultra-low power consumption
  • Up to 2Hz sampling
  • Accurate conductivity to within 10cm of the air-ocean interface
  • Unaffected by surface contaminants or freezing conditions
Additional information
Storage240m readings
PowerExternal Power - 4.5-30V
Clock drift±60 seconds/year
Depth rating6000m
SizeDiameter ~60mm
Length ~206mm (instrument only)
~254mm (with connector)
Weight1600g in air, 950g in water
Sampling rate2Hz