Turner Designs C3

A submersible platform capable of incorporating up to three optical sensors ranging from the ultraviolet to the infrared spectrum.

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The C3 submersible fluorometers are compact platforms rated to 600 m, which can be configured with one, two, or three optical sensors. Every C3 comes with a factory-installed temperature sensor, with the option to add a depth sensor. The durable Delrin housing is highly resistant to harsh environments and damage from biofouling organisms.

The internal datalogger (capable of recording over 60,000 data lines) combined with the optional rechargeable lithium battery creates a totally self-contained packaged that can be deployed for extended periods.

Key Features

• Up to three optical sensors
• Temperature sensor included
• Can be combined with rechargeable battery for a self-contained package

All C3 sensors are factory set to provide excellent sensitivity and a broad range of detection.

Standard Optics include

• Chlorophyll a in vivo
• Blue Green Algae (both Phycocyanin and Phycoerythrin)
• Fluorescein Dye
• Rhodamine WT Dye
• PTSA Dye
• Turbidity
• Crude Oil
• Refined Oil
• Optical Brighteners

Custom optics can also be configured to suit your application.

Additional antifouling options include a copper 3-arm mechanical wiper brush and copper plate to greatly minimize growth on or around the optical heads.

C-Soft Windows™ based software allows for intuitive calibration, datalogging set-up and file management capabilities as well as integration.

The C-Ray Towed Deployment Body allows a C3 to be securely towed behind a vessel at a fixed depth, enabling measurements to be taken over large geographic areas.