RBR quartz³ Bottom Pressure Recorders
RBRquartz³ bottom pressure recorders offer the best in class accuracy and resolution for wave, tide and tsunami monitoring. Suitable for long term deployments in the deep sea with capability for interfacing data in real time to ocean observatories.
Key Features
• Long deployments
• High accuracy
• 240M readings
• Up to 16Hz sampling
• USB-C download
• 10ppb resolution
• Up to 10,000m depth rating
RBRquartz³ BPR
The RBRquartz³ BPR (bottom pressure recorder) uses an integrated Paroscientific Digiquartz® pressure sensor for the best-in-class initial accuracy, resolution and low drift performance. The RBRquartz³ BPR is intended for long-term autonomous or real-time observations of water level, tides, and tsunamis in deep water. The high resolution (10ppb) and accuracy (0.01% FS) quartz pressure sensor is able to detect minuscule changes in water level from the bottom of the ocean. Continuous measurements allow the RBRquartz³ BPR to be used for tsunami detection and early-warning systems when connected to a cabled real-time network. Flexible measurement schedules and configurable integration times permit applications for tide and sea level measurements when powered on internal batteries.
RBRquartz³ BPR |zero
The RBRquartz³ BPR|zero is a special version of the robust RBRquartz³ BPR implementing an internal quartz barometer and switching valve. The novel AzeroA technique is used to provide in-situ reference measurements to correct for long term drift in the Paroscientific Digiquartz® pressure gauge. Configured with one or two Digiquartz® pressure gauges, an internal barometer is used in conjunction with a hydraulic manifold to periodically make reference measurements of internal housing pressure. This instrument is intended for deep water, long-term deployments where high stability and resolution of absolute pressure measurements are critical.
RBRquartz³ Q
The RBRquartz³ Q is intended for long-term autonomous or real-time observations of water level, tides and waves in shallow water environments. The stable pressure sensor is able to resolve small changes in water level over long deployments. Flexible measurement schedules and burst sampling permit applications for tide, wave, and sea level measurements. The RBRquartz³ Q has a large memory capacity, sufficient power for extended deployments, and USB-C or Wi-Fi download for large data files.
RBRquartz³ APT
The RBRquartz³ APT is a combined triaxial quartz accelerometer and a bottom pressure recorder. The alliance of a 16Hz strong- and weak-motion seismometer, and the pressure measurement with 10ppb resolution make this instrument ideal for deep-sea early earthquake warning and tsunami monitoring. The RBRquartz³ APT is designed for both autonomous installation or real-time cabled observatories with ethernet connectivity. Designed for rapid ROV deployment, the instruments penetrates sea bed sediments and has good seismic coupling.